Tribal Self-Governance Advisory
Committee ACA/IHCIA Webinar
Wednesday, February 28, 2018
12:30 pm to 2:00 pm (ET)
Tribal Best Practices and Critical Issues:
Medicaid Pharmacy Reimbursement for Tribal Programs
The Webinar focused on:
This Webinar was a follow-up on the topic of: Medicaid Pharmacy Reimbursement for Tribal Programs. We are planning for an interactive discussion and would like to engage with participants in identifying preferred options under an encounter rate payment approach.
During the Webinar, the findings from a recent TSGAC national survey of state-specific Medicaid outpatient prescription drug (OPD) payment policies for Indian health care providers will be reviewed. We will discuss the current status of Medicaid payment policies for OPD services and the elements to consider when converting to an encounter rate methodology.
Support Documents:
- TSGAC – Medicaid Pharmacy Reimbursement for Tribal Programs – 2018-03-02c
- TSGAC Memo – IHS Reimbursement Rates for CY 2018 – 2018-01-09c
- PowerPoint: TSGAC Webinar-Best Practices-OPD Encounter Rate Payment 2018-02-28d
- Presenter’s Bios: Click Here
Coming Soon….