

The Indian Health Service (IHS) Tribal Self-Governance Advisory Committee (TSGAC) provides a forum for Tribal and Federal officials to discuss issues related to Tribal administration of Federal programs and services, exchange ideas, and develop solutions intended to improve Self-Governance and enhance the Tribal-Federal partnership.

TSGAC membership consists of a Primary and an Alternate representative from each of the IHS Areas that have Self-Governance Tribes. The Primary and Alternate TSGAC members from each region also select two persons to serve as Official Members of the TSGAC Technical Workgroup.

TSGAC protocols outline the committee’s roles, responsibilities, and the process for committee members to submit for travel reimbursement.

TSGAC Chair: Chris Anoatubby, Lt. Governor, Chickasaw Nation

Federal Technical Workgroup Co-Chair: Jennifer Cooper, Director, Office of Tribal Self-Governance, Indian Health Service

Tribal Technical Workgroup Co-Chair: Candice Skenandore, Self-Governance/Grants Director, Mohegan Tribe of Connecticut


Ileen Sylvester, Southcentral Foundation (Alaska Primary)
Jim Roberts, Senior Executive, Intergovernmental Affairs, Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium (Alaska Alternate)
Gary Lujan, Governor, Taos Pueblo (Primary)
E. Michael Silvas, Governor, Ysleta del Sur Pueblo (Alternate)
Jennifer Webster, Councilwoman, Oneida Nation (Primary)
Loni Taylor, Councilman, Chippewa Cree Tribe (Primary)
Mike Dolson, Councilman, Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes (Alternate)
Joe Davis, Chairman, Hoopa Valley Tribe (Primary)
Robert Smith, Chairman, Pala Band of Mission Indians (Alternate)
Douglas Yankton, Chairman, Spirit Lake Nation (Great Plains Primary)
Victoria Kitcheyan, Chairwoman, Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska (Great Plains Alternate)
Beverly Cook, Chief, Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe (Eastern Primary)
Cheryl Andrews-Maltais, Chairwoman, Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head Aquinnah (Eastern Alternate)
Dr. Buu Nygren, President, Navajo Nation (Primary)
Kim Russell, Executive Director, Navajo Department of Health (Alternate)
John Barrett, Jr., Chairman, Citizen Pottawatomi Nation (Primary)
Lana Butler, Secretary, Sac and Fox Nation (Alternate)
Chris Anoatubby, Lt. Governor, Chickasaw Nation (Primary)
Gary Batton, Chief, Choctaw Nation (Alternate)
Joey Whitman, Councilman, Gila River Indian Community (Primary)
Robert Miguel, Chairman, Ak-Chin Indian Community (Alternate)
W. Ron Allen, Tribal Chairman/CEO, Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe (Primary)
Nickolaus Lewis, Councilman, Lummi Nation (Alternate)
Daniel Preston, Councilman, Tohono O’odham Nation (Primary)
Anthony Francisco, Councilman, Tohono O’odham Nation (Alternate)

TSGAC Meeting Materials (July 2024)

(1) Updated TSGAC Agenda – July 2024advisory-materials-current advisory-committeestsgac
(2) TSGAC Feb 2024 Meeting Minutesadvisory-materials-current advisory-committeestsgac
(3) TSGAC Area Nomination Process- OK 1 and OK 2advisory-materials-current advisory-committeestsgac
(4) ACA Project Updates – PRESENTATIONadvisory-materials-current advisory-committeestsgac
Alaska Area – TSGAC Nomination Processadvisory-materials-current advisory-committeestsgac
EO: Reforming Federal Funding and Support for Tribal Nations to Better Embrace Tribal Self-Determinationadvisory-materials-current advisory-committeessgac tsgac
FAAB Letter to Director Tso (2) – July 2024advisory-materials-current advisory-committeestsgac
FAAB Letter to Director Tso – July 2024advisory-materials-current advisory-committeestsgac
IHS Budget Update- July 2024advisory-materials-current advisory-committeestsgac
Joint Venture Presentation – July 2024advisory-materials-current advisory-committeestsgac
OHR Update Presentation – July 2024advisory-materials-current advisory-committeestsgac
Presentation – OTSG Update – July 2024advisory-materials-current advisory-committeestsgac
Presentation on IHS Strategic Plan – July 2024advisory-materials-current advisory-committeestsgac
TSGAC Comments on the IHS Strategic Planadvisory-correspondence advisory-materials-current advisory-committeestsgac

TSGAC Correspondence

TSGAC Comments on the IHS Strategic Planadvisory-correspondence advisory-materials-current advisory-committeestsgac
4a. 2021- Response Letter to TSGAC from VAadvisory-correspondence advisory-meeting-materials advisory-committeestsgac
2021- TSGAC Letter: Nomination to the IHS Tribal Consultation Policy Workgroupadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2021- TSGAC Letter: Health Information Technology Modernization Summit Requestadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2021- TSGAC Letter: Funds Authorized in the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021advisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2021- TSGAC Letter: Establishment of the Department of Veterans’ Affairs Tribal Advisory Committeeadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2021- TSGAC Letter: 2020 Draft Revised VA-IHS MOUadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2021- TSGAC Comments on the VA-IHS MOUadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2021 – TSGAC Comments – Tribal Consultation on the Draft HHS Strategic Plan FY 2022 – 2026advisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2021 – Summary of Issues from the Tribal Self-Governance Advisory Committee (TSGAC) Meeting November 9, 2021advisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2020- TSGAC Letter: Allocation of $95 Million for Telehealth (CARES Act)advisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2019- TSGAC Testimony: U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, Subcommittee on Health Hearing “Native Veterans’ Access to Healthcare”advisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2019- TSGAC Letter: Summary of Issues from the Tribal Self-Governance Advisory Committee (TSGAC) Meeting September 30-October 1, 2019advisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2019- TSGAC Letter: Summary of Issues from the Tribal Self-Governance Advisory Committee (TSGAC) Meeting July 15-16, 2019advisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2019- TSGAC Letter: Special Diabetes Program for Indians Tribal Consultationadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2019- TSGAC Letter: Recommendation to include Section 105(l) lease information request in FAAB’s Facilities Needs Assessmentadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2019- TSGAC Letter: Re-Review of Summary of Benefits and Coverage Documentsadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2019- TSGAC Letter: Comments on Tribal Engagement with the NIH All of Us Research Programadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2019- TSGAC Letter: Comments on MISSION Act Strategic Planadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2019- TSGAC Letter: Comments and Recommendations for Funding Indian Self-Determination Education and Assistance Act 105(l) Leasesadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2019- IHS Response to the Oct 2019 TSGAC Meetingadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2019- IHS Response to Issues Discussed at the April 2019 TSGAC Meetingadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2019- (July) IHS Reponse Letter to TSGAC Meetingadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2018- TSGAC White Paper: Reimbursement for Purchased and Referred Care (PRC)advisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2018- TSGAC Letter: Updates to Indian Health Service Tribal Consultation Policyadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2018- TSGAC Letter: Summary Letter from October 2018 Meetingadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2018- TSGAC Letter: Section 105(l) Lease Funding “Dilemma”advisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2018- TSGAC Letter: Requesting Hearing on Advance Appropriations for the Indian Health Serviceadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2018- TSGAC Letter: Request for Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 105(l) Leasing Expenditures and Estimatesadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2018- TSGAC Letter: Opportunities to Enhance HHS’ Tribal Consultation Policyadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2018- TSGAC Letter: Inclusion of Purchased and Referred Care (PRC) in Veterans Affairs and Indian Health Service Reimbursement Agreementsadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2018- TSGAC Letter: Request for Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 105(l) Leasing Expenditures and Estimatesadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2018- TSGAC Issue Area Summary – Reimbursement for Purchased and Referred Care (PRC)advisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2017- TSGAC Letter: Update to Level of Need Funded Data and Workgroup Requestadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2017- TSGAC Letter: Support for Broad Exemption of IHS from Federal Hiring Freezeadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2017- TSGAC Letter: Request to Delay Catastrophic Health Emergency Fund Final Ruleadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2017- TSGAC Letter: Request for Tribal Consultation on HHS Reimagining Initiativeadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2017- TSGAC Letter: Recommendations for the IHS Scholarship and Loan Repayment Programsadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2017- TSGAC Comments: Market Stabilization Proposed Rule (CMS-9929-P)advisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2017 TSGAC Letter: Medicaid Work Requirements for American Indians and Alaska Nativesadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2017 – TSGAC – Support for Broad Exemption of IHS from Federal Hiring Freezeadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2016-4-18_letter-to-mary-smith-request-to-withdraw-chef-rule-pdfadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2016- User Population Insurance Eligibility – Summaryadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2016- TSGAC Letter: Comments on Veteran Affairs’ Proposal to Consolidate Community Care Programsadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2016- TSGAC Letter: Comments on Draft 2016 Letter to Issuers in the Federally-Facilitated Marketplaceadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2016- TSGAC Letter: Comments on CMS-9936-N; Waivers for State Innovationadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2016- TSGAC Comments: Proposed Rule; HHS Grant Regulation: Published on July 13, 2016 (81 Federal Register 45270, et seq.)advisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2016 TSGAC – Letter – CMS–10519, Agency Information Collection Activities: Submission for OMB Review; Comment Requestadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2016 SGAC/TSGAC Letter: Request for Support for Legislation to Provide Partial Relief to Tribes from the Affordable Care Act’s Employer Mandateadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeessgac tsgac
2016 – TSGAC – Request for Service Unit Data on Health Insurance Status and 2016 Appropriationadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2016 – TSGAC – Reimbursement Agreement between the IHS and VAadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2016 – TSGAC – Opportunities for Partnerships between Tribal Health Programs and the Veterans Administrationadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2016 – TSGAC – Opportunities for Partnerships between Tribal Health Programs and the Veterans Administrationadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2016 – TSGAC – Letter to Steve Petzinger, OMB Program Examiner – Follow up from March TSGAC Mtg.advisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2016 – TSGAC – Letter – Support for USET Comments on the CDC Proposed 2016 Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain; Docket CDC-2015-0112advisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2016 – TSGAC – Letter – Comments on Purchasing Health Care Coverage (IHS Circular 2016-08)advisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2016 – TSGAC – Letter – Comments on Headquarters Realignmentadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2016 – TSGAC – Identification of Staff for Developing Level of Need Funded Dataadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2016 – TSGAC – Comments on SASP Program Funding Distributionadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2016 – TSGAC – Comments on Purchasing Health Care Coverage (IHS Circular 2016-08)advisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2016 – TSGAC – Comments on Payment for Physician and Other Health Care Professional Services Purchased by Indian Health Programs and Medical Charges Associated with Non-Hospital-Based Careadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2016 – TSGAC – Comments on Oklahoma Section 1115 Waiver Amendment Requestadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2016 – TSGAC – Comments on IHS Contract Support Costs Policyadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2016 – TSGAC – Comments on HHS Notice of Benefit and Payment Parameters for 2018 (CMS-9934-P)advisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2016 – TSGAC – Comments on FY 2015 Report to Congress on Administration of the Tribal Self-Governance Programadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2016 – TSGAC – Comments on CMS-10458 (OCN: 0938-1203)advisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2016 – TSGAC – Comments on Catastrophic Health Emergency Fund Proposed Rule (RIN 0905-AC97)advisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2016 – TSGAC – CHEF Proposed Rule 42 CFR Part 136 – RIN 0905AC97, Catastrophic Health Emergency Fund, File Code 0905AC97advisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2016 – TSGAC – Bemidji IHS Area Member Vacancyadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2016 – TSGAC – Comments on Proposed Rule; Health and Human Services Grant Regulation: Published on July 13, 2016 (81 Federal Register 45270, et seq.)advisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2016 – HHS/IHS – Response to Inquiry About Agency-specific Quality Reporting Measuresadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2015- TSGAC Letter: Thanking the Administration for Swift Actions on CSCadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2015- TSGAC Letter: Response to Request for Tribal Consultation on Referrals for Limited Cost-Sharing Variation Plansadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2015- TSGAC Letter: Response to May 22, 2015 Dear Tribal Leader Letter Regarding Payment of Employee Settlementsadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2015- TSGAC Letter: Response to IRS Notice 2015-16 on Section 4980I — Excise Tax on High Cost Employer Sponsored Health Coverageadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2015- TSGAC Letter: Request for Permanent Administrative Relief from Affordable Care Act’s Employer Mandate on Tribes for Tribal Member Employeesadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2015- TSGAC Letter: Request for Permanent Administrative Relief from Affordable Care Act’s Employer Mandate on Tribes for Tribal Member Employeesadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2015- TSGAC Letter: Request for Extension of Transition Relief from the Employer Mandateadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2015- TSGAC Letter: Payment of Settlements to Civil Service Employeesadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2015- TSGAC Letter: Payment of Contract Support Costs for MSPI and DVPI fundingadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2015- TSGAC Letter: Multi-Purpose Agreement and ISAC Presentationadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2015- TSGAC Letter: Mandatory Appropriations for Contract Support Costsadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2015- TSGAC Letter: Expediting the Review and Publication of the Final Medicare-Like Rate – Novemberadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2015- TSGAC Letter: Excise Tax on High Cost Employer Sponsored Health Coverageadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2015- TSGAC Letter: Excise Tax on Certain Employer-Sponsored Health Benefitsadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2015- TSGAC Letter: Determination of Contract Support Cost Requirementsadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2015- TSGAC Letter: Comments to CMS on Draft 2016 Letter to Issuers in the Federally-Facilitated Marketplaceadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2015- TSGAC Letter: Comments Submitted In Response to Notice of Tribal Consultation: Section 102(c) of the Veterans Access, Choice and Accountability Act of 2014advisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2015- TSGAC Letter: Comments Regarding Section 102(c) of the Veterans Access, Choice and Accountability Act of 2014advisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2015- TSGAC Letter: Comments on CMS-2390-Padvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2015- TSGAC Letter: : Support for 100 Percent FMAP Proposaladvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2015- TSGAC Comments: Section 102(c) of the Veterans Access, Choice and Accountability Actadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2015- TSGAC Comments: Consultation on Section 102(c) of the Veterans Access, Choice and Accountability Act of 2014advisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2015 – TSGAC – Qtly. Mtg. Summary – Januaryadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2015 – TSGAC – Letter to IHS – Quality Reporting Measurersadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2015 – TSGAC – Letter -Request for Permanent Administrative Relief from Affordable Care Act’s Employer Mandate on Tribes for Tribal Member Employeesadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2015 – TSGAC – Letter – Self-Governance Representative to the Information Systems Advisory Committeeadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2015 – TSGAC – Interpretation of Duplication Provision in 25 U.S.C. § 450j-1(a)(3)advisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2015 – TSGAC – Fiscal Year 2014 Report to Congress on the Administration of the Tribal Self-Governance Programadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2015 – TSGAC – Comments on Veterans, Choice and Accountability Act of 2014advisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2015 – TSGAC – Comments on Veterans Access, Choice and Accountability Act of 2014 (Choice Act)advisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2015 – TSGAC – Comments on RIN 0945-AA02, Nondiscrimination in Health Programs and Activitiesadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2015 – TSGAC – Comments on IHS Proposed Rule entitled “Payment for Physician and Other Health Care Professional Services Purchased by Indian Health Programs and Medical Charges Associated with Non-Hospital-Based Care.”advisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2015 – TSGAC – Comments on CMS-10561, ECP Data Collection to Support Qualified Health Plan (QHP) Certification for PY 2017advisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2014- TSGAC Letter: Tribal Consultation on Medicare-like Rates Regulations and/or Guidanceadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2014- TSGAC Letter: Self-Governance Priorities and Strategic Planadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2014- TSGAC Letter: Response to DTLL Regarding Section 402 of the IHCIAadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2014- TSGAC Letter: Request for VA and IHS to Revisit VA-IHS Reimbursement Agreementadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2014- TSGAC Letter: Request for Tribal Consultation on 340B Drug Pricing Programadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2014- TSGAC Letter: Comments on IHS Proposed Rule entitled “Payment for Physician and Other Health Care Professional Services Purchased by Indian Health Programs and Medical Charges Associated with Non-Hospital-Based Care,” 79 Fed. Reg. 72160advisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2014- TSGAC Letter: Comments on Draft 2015 CCIIO Letter to Issuersadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2014- TSGAC Letter: Comments on CMS Funding Methodology for 2015advisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2014- TSGAC Letter: Comment on Proposed Emergency Preparedness Rule (CMS-3178-P)advisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2014- TSGAC Letter: CMS Tribal Technical Advisory Committee – Membership Appointmentadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2014- TSGAC Information Request Letter – Issuers of Qualified Health Plansadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2014- TSGAC Comments: CMS-9944-9 – Notice of Benefits and Payments Parameters for 2016advisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2014- TSGAC Comments: CMS – Third-Party Payments of Premiums for Qualified Health Plans (QHPs) in the Marketplaceadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2014 – TSGAC Letter: Shared Responsibility Paymentadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2014 – Response to Dear Tribal Leader Letter on Expanding the Medicare-Like Rate Cap to Non-Hospital Servicesadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac
2014 – CMS – Third Party Payments of Premiums for Qualified Health Plans in the Marketplacesadvisory-correspondence advisory-committeestsgac

Agenda Request?