Tribal Self-Governance Advisory
Committee ACA/IHCIA Webinar
Wednesday, July 11, 2018
1:00 pm to 2:30 pm (ET)
IRS Enforcement of the Employer Mandate under
the Affordable Care Act
The Webinar focused on:
Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), employers with 50 or more full-time employees-including Tribal governments-are subject to requirements pertaining to the offer of health insurance coverage to full-time employees and their dependents.
These requirements began, in part, in 2014. Over the past year, the Internal Revenue Service and other federal agencies have begun to more actively enforce the employer requirements.
This Webinar provided an update on the current state of enforcement of the ACA’s employer mandate.
Support Documents:
- Nicole Elliott’s PowerPoint: Click Here
- TSGAC Brief – Applicable Percentages Thresholds and Payments for ACA Provisions 2018-07-10
- TSGAC Brief – ACA Applicable Large Employer Member Pay-or-Play Guide 2016-09-30
- Presenter’s Bios: Click Here